Understanding SSI Disability Prices In Indianapolis

by | Mar 6, 2013 | Lawyers

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Whenever referring to SSI disability in Indianapolis, the most important thing that we all have to understand is that the process of obtaining financial compensation is difficult. There are many things that need to be known and the truth is that it is really hard to end up being successful unless you are represented by an attorney that is good at what he does.

The Financial Problem

Unfortunately, as with everything in life, whenever a financial problem appears it seems like many others tend to follow. Since you are faced with a disability, there is a huge chance that you ended up with a much lower income and you are out of money to live at the standard you are used to.

Because of the lack of funding, you will most likely be tempted to cut as many costs as possible and this includes hiring attorneys. This is basically the worst thing that can be done. What you have to know is that there are always ways in which you can find the necessary funding.

How To Find Money To Pay The Attorney

There are various things that can be done when you need money to pay for legal representation so that obtaining SSI disability Indianapolis is easier. What most people do not understand is the fact that disability attorneys are not paid in the same way as regular lawyers.

The initial meeting that you have with the attorney that you think about hiring will be free. It is basically a consultation in which all the necessary documents that would be included in the claim are analyzed by the attorney. This meeting is incredibly important. The attorney will look at every single sentence that is written and will automatically tell you if you have a case or if there is a need to obtain more documentation so that you can prove the disability that you suffer from.

After the attorney tells you that you have a good case, you can start talking about the payment. The good news is that most disability attorneys understand the fact that you are in a predicament. You would thus be charged only after the case is won. This is definitely great news as it makes the services of such an attorney affordable.

We noticed that there are various individuals that still do not want to pay, even if the payment is only done after the case is won. It is a mistake to not be represented and that is something of incredible importance. Keep in mind that you would receive a lot of money in the event that your claim is successful. At first glance you might think that the amount you pay for the attorney’s services is too much but do the math and see how much you will be offered by the insurance company. Monthly payments for as long as you live are usually offered so the money that you have to use to pay the lawyer is automatically covered. Never make the mistake of not working with a good SSI disability attorney in Indianapolis as this would only cause problems.


Stewart & Stewart Attorneys understands that you are faced with financial problems and will do all that it can in order to help you with your SSI disability claim in Indianapolis. Just arrange a free consultation meeting here: Ssdcases.com.


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