An Attorney May Be Necessary When Employment Insult Is Added to Injury

by | May 29, 2012 | Personal Injury

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Those of us who work in Pittsburgh expect that when we are injured on the job our employer’s workers compensation insurance is going to cover our medical bills and compensate us for time missed from work. And, the reality is that usually the system works fairly well, and that is exactly what happens. Our injuries are treated, we recover, we return to work. However, as with all systems, sometimes workers compensation breaks down, and things do not happen according to expectation. Sometimes, it is a simple misunderstanding, and we can work out the details on our own. At other times, however, our rights are violated or we are denied the compensation that we are due. At those times, it will be necessary to retain the services of a workers compensation attorney.

Normally, when you file a workers compensation claim, your employer acknowledges that you were injured on the job and their workers compensation insurance compensates you for medical expenses and other costs, and you move on. However, sometimes with more serious injuries, injuries that were not reported right away, or injuries that were not witnessed by anyone else, questions can arise as to whether or not it was the employment situation that caused the injury. In such instances, your employer’s workers compensation insurance may deny the claim.

It can also happen that your employer or the insurance company tries to get you to accept a settlement before you are completely healed or that you believe is unfair. Usually, once you accept a settlement, you are required to sign a statement saying that you no longer hold the company or the insurance company responsible and that you will not pursue any further compensation from them.

When situations like this arise, it is time to contact a workers compensation attorney in the Pittsburgh area to assist you in getting the compensation that you are due. The world of workers compensation is governed by laws, rules, and regulations that can often be difficult to understand, and it can take someone who has knowledge of the law, experience with workers compensation cases in Pittsburgh, and compassion for the victim to navigate all that is required to obtain fair and just compensation.

You have enough to take care of when it comes to concentrating on your healing and going to doctor’s appointments and any required therapy. Contact a workers compensation attorney in the Pittsburgh area if you have been injured on the job and are not getting the compensation that you deserve.

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