Talk to Gilbert Blaszcyk & Milburn Before Filing a Worker’s Compensation Claim

by | Jul 30, 2013 | Attorney, Workers' Compensation

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Worker’s compensation is a type of insurance that is there to protect you, the employee, when something happens to you on the job. You can have injuries ranging from ones that happen in an instant to ones that have been slowly building up over time. All that is required to start a claim is that you received your injuries on the job and that you can prove it. However, you may need the help of law offices such as Gilbert Blaszcyk & Milburn for your claim, even though the source and location of the injury is obvious.

There are different scenarios that can require legal assistance from attorneys such as Gilbert Blaszcyk & Milburn in a case of worker’s compensation. They are:

The employer maintained strict safety on the site but an accident happened anyways. All of the bills are being paid and a lump sum payment on top of that is being offered, but it may not be enough to cover future bills. A lawyer can negotiate for a larger amount while citing that reason and other issues that are related to the injury.

Safety rules are posted on the job site, but the employer didn’t make an attempt to enforce them and you got hurt. This opens up the employer to a separate lawsuit pertaining to unnecessary injuries. In other words, insurance is going to pay out for the injuries, but the employer is overtly negligent and is responsible for your pain and suffering.

No safety measures were followed whatsoever. This means the employer is wide-open for a negligence lawsuit on top of the worker’s compensation claim. The accident was entirely preventable, but the employer was too lazy to ensure safety measures were in place at all.

Another issue that may require assistance from a law firm such as Gilbert Blaszcyk & Milburn is soft tissue injury from the job. This is more difficult to prove for a claim, but there is no denying the fact you are injured. Lawyers from a firm like Gilbert Blaszcyk & Milburn can help you with getting a claim by sending you to physicians who are familiar with your type of injury. Having proof to show to all involved parties increases your likelihood of a successful claim.



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